Sponsorship & Naming Opportunities
Sponsors receive a lifetime plaque proudly displayed honoring their tremendous donation.
Sponsorship is offered to private and corporate individuals and/or groups.
Memorials in honor of friends and loved ones are graciously welcome.
Additional Sponsor benefits include behind the scene demonstrations and opportunities to spend time on the farm.
Please contact Dawn Leung at (410) 472-3682
for more information.
Opportunities for Sponsorship & Naming:
Stable Addition-
*Sponsor names displayed on door of each stall or room
Five 12 x 12 stalls
Tack Room 20 x 12
Wash and Tack Area 10 x 12
Office 14 x 12
Feed and Tools 17 x 12
Indoor Therapy Ring
35 x 80 wooden renovated barn with footing and round pen
Empowers participants and healing through equine interactions
*Sponsor name displayed inside wall on 4ft by 4ft mural
Observation Room
24 x 43 tongue and groove room with viewing windows overlooking stable and obstacle course
Where generations come together and share their experiences
*Sponsor name displayed on large plaque or mural
Wellness Field
6 acres of lush green grass visible from Observation Room
Essential for horses well being
*Sponsor name displayed on plaque
Outdoor Ring
80 x 120 enclosed sand ring
Allows mounted and unmounted exercise opportunities
*Sponsor name displayed on plaque
Break Room
9 x9 within Observation Room
Provides storage for snacks and refreshments
*Sponsor name displayed on plaque
Counseling Room
9 x 8 within Observation Room
Quiet place for reflection and introspection
*Sponsor name displayed on plaque